The Digital Transformation Academy is taking place on 19-20 September in Cambridge, UK. The program offers a two-day course for c-level executives, innovation, technology, and marketing leaders to learn about the next technology revolution, and what they can do to prepare. Changes present challenges and opportunities and those who are prepared can take advantage of coming disruptions in the status quo.
GamCrowd CEO, Chris North will welcome 7 experts (see below) from their respective technology fields to guide delegates through this one of a kind and ground breaking course so that they will be prepared for, and have a better understanding of changes that are sure to occur in almost every tech sector.
Changes in technology are already happening and more are on the horizon. Many in the tech sphere are seriously under educated and ill prepared for the changes. This course promises to give everyone in attendance the insights needed to recognize impending change and the tools to equip their businesses for the unprecedented transformations required to thrive in a disrupted business environment.
Brian Mattingley, Chairman of 888 Holdings stated: “Technology is evolving so rapidly and knowing which technologies will have [the] most impact, and how to be prepared and profit from them is a minefield!
“I highly recommend anyone serious about wishing to remain competitive in the gaming industry to attend this course.”
Anyone interested in this unique opportunity can download the Digital Transformation Academy course agenda here.
In addition to Mr. North, guest speakers will include:
Dr Tom Hesteline, Chief Executive Officer, Aurora Dr Hans Lombardo, Co-founder & Head of Marketing & Comms, Chain of Things Dr Rob Phaal, Principle Research Associate, Cambridge University Marcus Warehan, Digital Transformation expert and ex Operator, GamCrowd Ian Hogg, Founding Shareholder & Chairman, GamCrowd Michael Berns, FinTech and Regulatory Expert, Consultant Kevin Williams, VR and AR Expert, Consultant